Almost Emergency Acupuncture
She is a very thin, hispanic lady, about 36 years old. She has severe asthma, and the asthma is causing panic attacks. She just got out of the hospital for a asthma-induced panic attack. She was breathing hard, and I could tell she was struggling just to keep it together. I told her and her husband I was going to do something I rarely, if ever do. Skip the intake process and just go to work. I only asked her to quantify her stress on that magical 1-10 scale. She put it at about a 12.
I get her comfortable on the table and start off with the treatment I jokingly call "Acuphoria" whick is VERY CALMING AND SEDATING, then I added in the auricular points to emphasize the calming effect.
We left the room to let her 'cook.'
I came back in the room in 10 minutes to check on her. She was very relaxed. After a total of 30 minutes her husband & I came back into the room to end the session. I was pleasantly surprised to see a smile on her face.
I was inspecting her ears to put some seeds in, you all know how impressed I am with their effectiveness. The area that corresponds to the "Heart" is so close to the "Lung" area that it one piece of auricular tape and seed will cover both, and the tape is about 1/4" square. This entire area was red, which signals an imbalance.
When she got off the table I asked her what level her stres was at. She smiled and said about a 4. Not bad.
We are going to continue our work together, at best I just took one layer off. There is still a lot of work to do.
That is so neat! I've seen you perform that magic several times, and it never ceases to amaze me. Please give us a report also about her breathing after you see her again.
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