Peaceful Mountain Acupuncture

A weekly blog about Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Location: Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States

This blog is going to be, primarily a venue for me to express my thoughts about Life and the complexities of the physical plane. My story is simple, I am an easy going individual and a moderate recluse. I am comfortable walking or sitting, talking or being silent. I am always seeking new friends and acquaintenances. I tend to look deeply and question myself about the lesson behind the experience. If you like what you read, please leave me a note, if you have a blog please leave me a link so I can read your writing as well. Thanks

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Trying to decide

I have received some interesting feedback from the blog about stopping a woman's cycle. I have also started a discussion about this on-line at the acupuncture school. That has been interesting too.

One of the students asked if I was going to write to USA Today to see if they would be interested in an editorial opinion piece. I am trying to decide if I want to do that.

My tendency is to keep my head down, below the radar and not create any waves. But I also know that if I do not speak my truth I am not living to my fullest. It is the paradoxial dilemma of the day.

Do I really think that USA Today would be interested? No, probably not. But I will not know until I try.

The other question is do I think I can write an article that is sensible, readable and interesting? Well, I have doubts about that, but that is normal for me.

If I have time I will contact the newspaper and see if it is a truly bad idea or just a mildly bad idea.

Guess I did not have much to write today.


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