Peaceful Mountain Acupuncture

A weekly blog about Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Location: Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States

This blog is going to be, primarily a venue for me to express my thoughts about Life and the complexities of the physical plane. My story is simple, I am an easy going individual and a moderate recluse. I am comfortable walking or sitting, talking or being silent. I am always seeking new friends and acquaintenances. I tend to look deeply and question myself about the lesson behind the experience. If you like what you read, please leave me a note, if you have a blog please leave me a link so I can read your writing as well. Thanks

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It is bound to happen

Today I am pondering the impact of practicing medicine when a friends health is being impacted. Today one of my patients came in and told me she is waiting on the results of a breast biopsy. She has a genetic prevelance towards breast cancer and her yearly mamogram has some areas of concern. The biopsy was last Thursday and the results will be told to her later this morning.

I am realizing many things as I write this. First of all I am seeing the potential for how cancer can impact any one's life so suddenly. I do not believe that she has cancer, but I may be wrong. But I am also thinking of a good friend and class mate that is dealing with breast cancer. It feels to me like everyone's life, on one level or another, is being impacted by cancer. Do you know of anyone that does not know someone that is dealing with some form of cancer?

I am also realizing how allopathic medicine treats cancer and I see, immediately, my bias coming into focus. I do not think that we have to "Fight" cancer, I think there can be a way to work with the cancer and to minimize its impact.

I am also remembering the saying that "There can be a healing without a cure and but there is not a true cure without a healing."

If ones lifestyle has created the dis-ease how can there be a cure (resolution of the dis-ease) without a healing (awareness of the latent cause of the dis-ease)? In that case [a cure without a healing] it seems to me that the dis-ease will return. Maybe in a different manner or presentation, but I believe it will return. Conversely if there is a 'healing' it does not matter as much if there is a cure. There are some things worse than death.

The incidence of cancer in our society is significant. One hundred years ago it was not as prevalent, but in truth we did not have the diagnostic abilities that we do now so it may have been somewhat higher than we understand it to have been. Nonetheless the incidence of cancer is significantly higher than historical levels.

Would I be going TOO FAR OUT ON A LIMB to say that I believe this is because of three or four significant "technological advances" that have occured within our time.

1) The use and or overuse of chemicals. The food chain is saturated with chemicals. We are all eating these chemicals and worse yet cooking them which significantly alters their composition.
2) The use of growth hormones. I could write a book on this one, but suffice it to say that a substance that makes cows and chickens grow bigger and fatter IS going to alter our bodies natural growth and maturation process. When that natural cycle is altered and out of balance cancer has an open door tosneak in through.
3) Electromagnetic fields. We are, on one level, a electromagnetic field, when our 'field' is constantly being bombared with other, much higher powered EMF's it has to, on some level, affect our intrinsic electromagnetic field.
4) Microwave energy. Aside from cooking with a microwave (which deplete the qi from the food youare going to eat) we are all being bombarded by microwaves, TV towers, Cel phone towers, satelite communications. The list goes on, but this is an extremely high powered form of energy. If it can boil water, you know it can cook you as well.

So I would love to hear from any of you (except the woodworkers guild...) about your thoughts on this. Am I reading dread into nothing? Am I just freaked out because of a set of coincidences? What do you think???

By the way, my friend/patient called in and reported the biopsy is clean. AT LEAST THAT IS SOMEGOOD NEWS TO BE THANKFUL FOR.

With Love & Respect


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