Peaceful Mountain Acupuncture

A weekly blog about Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Location: Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States

This blog is going to be, primarily a venue for me to express my thoughts about Life and the complexities of the physical plane. My story is simple, I am an easy going individual and a moderate recluse. I am comfortable walking or sitting, talking or being silent. I am always seeking new friends and acquaintenances. I tend to look deeply and question myself about the lesson behind the experience. If you like what you read, please leave me a note, if you have a blog please leave me a link so I can read your writing as well. Thanks

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Interfacing the Medicine

One of my many projects lately has been trying to reach out to allopathic doctors to develop a refferal network. Some of the doc's are slightly interested, some are highly skeptical. But that is an improvement from five years ago, so at least there has been some movement in the paradigm.

One of my challenges in this adventure is that the doctors want to do research, I want to treat patients. While it may seem like a natural fit, there are a few kinks for me to work out. I wrote about my abiguity around research acupuncture earlier this year. In a nutshell this ambiguity revolves around the concept that TCM adjusts the treatment for each patient for each visit, research needs a set guide to folow to see if it works.

My theory being "After 4,000 years if it did not work we would probably stop doing it..."

I know that the allopathic paradigm 'needs' to have research to back up claims of effectiveness, but I also know that TCM is based on empirical evidence; we know what the effects are due to thousands of years of experience. Note I did NOT say we know "how" it works, just that we know that it does.

Somewhere, somehow I would love to develop a working relationship with an allopathic OB/GYN doc, TCM is so effective in the area of women's health and postpartum depression. The treatment is safe, effective and non-invasive.

In the mean time I will just continue my focus of building my practice and reaching out to doc's. On the 30th of November I will be giving a presentation to the U-of-A 'Program for Integrative Medicine" on how TCM works with HIV/AIDS. The audience will be med students. I would like to capture their interest and expand their vision of medicne.

I'll let you know if it works....


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