Peaceful Mountain Acupuncture

A weekly blog about Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Location: Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States

This blog is going to be, primarily a venue for me to express my thoughts about Life and the complexities of the physical plane. My story is simple, I am an easy going individual and a moderate recluse. I am comfortable walking or sitting, talking or being silent. I am always seeking new friends and acquaintenances. I tend to look deeply and question myself about the lesson behind the experience. If you like what you read, please leave me a note, if you have a blog please leave me a link so I can read your writing as well. Thanks

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Narrowing My Focus

I have been graced to receive a business coach for the next three months. It is part of a “Small Business Makeover.” Karen is a great, energetic, vibrant coach and she is helping me refine my business. The idea is if all goes well we will get the story in the local newspaper to get both of us some publicity. (I know I certainly need it!)

One of the first things she helped me realize is that my focus was too broad; I like to do too many things in my acupuncture clinic. I like to work in the area of women’s health, hospice, sports-injuries, side effects from chemotherapy, etc, etc. “Whoa, hold on. This is all great and I am sure you can work well in all these areas, but you will find success to be very elusive in your clinic if you are spread out like that.” With that gentle statement Karen started the process of helping me redefine my focus and specialty. It was quite an interesting conversation, to be sure.

“No it does not mean that you cannot or will not treat other concerns, it is just this is going to be your specialty. What is the one area of TCM that calls to you the most, or that you feel TCM can address the best?”

Well, that took ten minutes for me to uncover and interpret what calls to me; explaining why is a bit more intricate.

I am shifting my clinical focus to supporting women as they undergo the changes involved with menopause.

This is one area of medicine that I feel is not being addressed effectively by allopathic medicine; and it is, in my opinion, one of the strongest areas of Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM has very effective treatments for the ‘change-of-life’ and these treatments do not have serious side-effects.

I am already starting to present myself in this light when I introduce myself and to tell friends and co-workers that my focus has shifted. It feels a little strange to be focused on one specific condition, but if I am going to choose one I might as well pick one that ½ of the population will experience at one time in their life.

I have a series of talks coming up in May, a two part informational lecture. Part one will be an overview of TCM, part two will turn the focus to menopause. I am currently searching for other venues to give talks in. If anyone that reads this knows of any Tucson womens’ groups that might be interested in having a speaker, please contact me.

Next week I will search to uncover another interesting (to me at least) topic to explore in my blog. This week is more of an update on what’s happening.

Will write more soon.


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